B Ü C H E R                A U T O R E N                V E R L A G               

Literatur und Interpretation

Dieter Schulz

Emerson and Thoreau or Steps Beyond Ourselves
Studies in Transcendentalism

2012, kt., VIII+307 S., 30,00 € / 35,00 $, ISBN 978-3-86809-057-4
(VISA / MasterCard accepted)


The essays collected in this volume circle around the notion and
the imagery of transcendence, a concept crucial not only to the
Transcendentalist movement proper with Emerson and Thoreau
as its key figures, but also to their antecedents in New England
Puritanism (here represented by RogerWilliams and John Cotton),
to their followers in twentieth-century Modernism (notably William
Carlos Williams), and to our own time. Highly critical of contemporary
politics, society, and culture, the Transcendentalists also challenged
the objectivist claims of the “methods” or “ways” advocated by the
sciences. The metaphysics of the Emersonian scholar as well as the
Thoreauvian saunterer revitalize the imagery of the way in an attempt
to engage the world in a hermeneutical dialogue – a project that is
timelier than ever in order to overcome the crippling consequences of
the “two-cultures” split.


 PDF   Contents

 PDF   Preface

 PDF   Introduction


 PDF   Rezension in Nineteenth-Century Prose, Vol. 42, No. 1 (2015) [Auszug]